Wuhan Hesheng Technology Co,. LTD. Wuhan Hesheng Technology Co,. LTD.
Wuhan Hesheng Technology Co,. LTD.

Technology Platform

From food, medicine to daily necessities, cosmetics, and even advanced materials, natural products are closely related to our production and life. However, in recent years, fewer and fewer new natural products have been discovered. Even natural products that have been discovered are partly due to the output It is extremely difficult to obtain and difficult to put into industrial production.

Faced with the above problems, Hesheng Tech came into being. Relying on two major technology platforms, we have created many new technologies and new methods, and subverted the production mode of various natural products.

Technology Platform
Hesheng Technology Two Technology Platforms
Cosmetic Chemical Companies
Efficient biosynthesis based on industrial chassis cells

Advantages: 4 types of industrial-grade chassis cells with proprietary intellectual property rights, which can basically cover natural products derived from plants and microorganisms, and realize the efficient production of thousands of products.

Successful case: Lycopene, which has important antioxidant activity, can only obtain about 20g of lycopene from 1 ton of tomatoes extracted by traditional plants, which leads to its high price.

Synbiotics has screened 34 genes from 12 organisms. Through artificial protein skeletons, genes from different sources are highly coordinated to build a lycopene industrial-grade high-yield chassis, which effectively improves lycopene production. At the same time, it greatly saves land resources and time costs.

Cosmetic Cream Base
High-throughput automated natural product mining based on chassis cells and genomes

Advantages: The genomic big data in the Internet is conducive to the discovery of massive potential products; the automated high-throughput production platform, which replaces manpower with machinery, greatly speeds up the mining of products.

Background: Studies have shown that 90% of the natural drug resources are still hidden in the seabed and have not been developed, while the efficiency of the classical discovery methods of natural drugs is getting lower and lower.

Success case: The team has screened 227 PTTS genes from 476 genome-sequenced filamentous fungi and NCBI and UniProt databases. Using the self-developed high-efficiency terpenoid precursor supplied Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the chassis and combined with a high-throughput automated platform, the functions of 34 new PTTSs were successfully identified, more than double the number of all known PTTSs.